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Kill Switch Lanyard & 11 Key

Item No. RWB1357
Ideal to always keep in the boat as a spare in case you break or lose your original kill switch key - which can easily ruin your day out on the water. Includes 11 spare kill switch keys to suit all Johnson, Evinrude, Mercury, Yamaha, Honda, Tohatsu and Suzuki. Coiled extendable lanyard with nylon


Ideal to always keep in the boat as a spare in case you break or lose your original kill switch key - which can easily ruin your day out on the water. Includes 11 spare kill switch keys to suit all Johnson, Evinrude, Mercury, Yamaha, Honda, Tohatsu and Suzuki. Coiled extendable lanyard with nylon swivel snap hook to prevent tangles. Blister hang packed for open display.


Item Category Code
Switch Panels / Brass
Recommended Retail Price
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Kill Switch Lanyard & 11 Key

Item No. RWB1357
Ideal to always keep in the boat as a spare in case you break or lose your original kill switch key - which can easily ruin your day out on the water. Includes 11 spare kill switch keys to suit all Johnson, Evinrude, Mercury, Yamaha, Honda, Tohatsu and Suzuki. Coiled extendable lanyard with nylon


Ideal to always keep in the boat as a spare in case you break or lose your original kill switch key - which can easily ruin your day out on the water. Includes 11 spare kill switch keys to suit all Johnson, Evinrude, Mercury, Yamaha, Honda, Tohatsu and Suzuki. Coiled extendable lanyard with nylon swivel snap hook to prevent tangles. Blister hang packed for open display.


Item Category Code
Switch Panels / Brass
Recommended Retail Price
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